Professor B K Ramiah, graduated in Civil Engineering (B.E.) of Mysore University, at University College of Engineering, Bangalore, in March 1946, passed the M.S.C.E. of University of Connecticut, U-Conn, U.S.A. in 1956, passed PhD of Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. in June 1959. He served as Junior Engineer from 1946-1949, joined as Lecturer in Civil Engineering, Dept of Civil Engg., Univ. College of Engg., from 1949-1954, Research Assistant, Univ. of Connecticut, USA, from 1954-1956, ‘XR’ Fellow of Purdue Research Foundation from 1956-1959, Chief Soil Engineer from 1959-1960, Reader in Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Bangalore in 1960 and appointed Principal, Professor and Head of the Department of Civil Engineering from 1963 onwards and Principal, University College of Engineering, from 1971 onwards. He established Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, highway and Airport Pavement design and Highway Materials and Experimental Stress Analysis by Photo Elasticity Strain gauge and stress coat and model studies. He distinguished himself as a teacher and researcher. Professionally he was a member of many National and International Societies, Academic Committees. He has published more than 100 papers in India and abroad. He has organized the Fifth Asian Regional Conference in Bangalore. He has traveled worldwide during his service. He has received several awards from Bangalore University, Mysore University and Institution of Engineers, India. He served as President of Indian Geotechnical Society during 1977-1979. He founded the Karnataka Geotechnical Centre, and acted as Chairman since its inception in 1963. In the fond memory of its founder chairman Prof. B.K. Ramaiah, The Karnataka Geotechnical Centre of Indian Geotechnical Society has launched B.K. Ramaiah memorial lectures starting from the year 1993.